About Mondaze

The idea behind Mondaze subconsciously started back in 2015. After going through months of postpartum depression, Melissa Marin became lost in her thoughts. In an attempt to gain back control of her mind, she began her journey to rediscover herself and her purpose. Refusing to turn to medication Melissa chose to experiment with different forms of mental therapy. And so every Monday she took some time to recharge her mind, body, and spirit and she practiced the skill of happiness. The more she mastered this skill the more she was able to spread to her family and friends. 

Melissa's newest journey begins with the Mondaze self wellness podcast. She's ready to spread some love and happiness to the world and what better way then to build a community of people who wish to do the same. Tune in every Monday to catch your favorite therapy session and listen to inspirational stories, silly segments, and cultivate sustainable self care.

About Melissa Marin

Melissa is a girl from Queens just trying to make the world a better place. So she's just like you really, she eats food when she's hungry, she feels emotions that confuse her, and she loves to laugh. She’s a 29 year old mother, entrepreneur, and creator. In spite of her busy schedule, she started a podcast in 2018 with hopes of reaching people who may be going through anxiety or depression and need an ease of mind. Mondaze has taken many shapes over the years but its always been Melissa's "therapy" and she's most excited to see what it molds into with help from listeners and followers.